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anneasquith | 01:04 Sun 24th Jan 2016 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
Duets at the BBC.


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I know I am Annie... Yes, I know...Ooooft!!
01:14 Sun 24th Jan 2016
Sorry for shocking you, Mamya It's shoota's fault.
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Tony. I think you shocked cupid .
Nooooo way, anne. The little minx is un-shockable !.
Boys and their playthings....
I'm very delicate you know.
Oi ya little minx, we like playing with pistols.

I had noticed, Mamya. The elbows gives it away.
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What elbows ? ?????
Was it elbows that made that big thud...
I have a funny bone....
(in my elbow...)

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What elbows ? ?????

Those lovely pert ones that she has parked just under her chin, anne ;-)
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Did Elvis ever duet with anyone?
Du what?
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Sigh,....... Did Elvis ever do a duet with another artist ?
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Thanks for the links..
Are you an Elvis fan Anne?

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