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Getting To The Ferry ...

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sunny-dave | 13:51 Fri 29th Jan 2016 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
... the signage may be poor but ... eeek ...
[ watch for the bloke who needs a quick wee before the ferry - about 1min 40 secs in ]


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Bloke?.....There are two caught short blokes at the same time....☺
Dave.....the more I watch this the more I laugh.....just needs a Barn Dance Caller.......☺
I saw two as well gness.... Some near misses there as well dave
If one was going to the ferry, would one follow the signs for SHIP or TERMINAL?

I think that i would be confused.
I was wondering that myself, Sqad. Also thinking that if people are coming out then going back in again, there must be some seriously unhelpful signs somewhere out of shot.
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The footage is apparently from Rosslare ... does this help?
It's totally Irish

"Terminal Communication is a fixed-frame work featuring the actions of drivers as they approach a badly signed junction leading into Rosslare Harbour ferry port, in County Wexford. Filmed from a vantage point overlooking the junction, the camera captures the incidents which locals then claimed was an everyday occurrence. Since the work was made the temporary blockade has been removed."

from youtube
That explains it then,'s the English going home in a state of bliss after experiencing our hospitality, charm, wit......and the Guinness...♣

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Getting To The Ferry ...

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