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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 07:05 Sat 13th Feb 2016 | ChatterBank
72 Answers
Saturday. It's raining. Become normal now hasn't it!

Some rugby to be watched today and tomorrow. Essential suppliers need to be topped up. :o}

Have a happy day everyone.


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would not trim hedge yet boaty..wait 'till you see signs of budding /growth
And mind tiggy!
just seen a bird in the garden I can't identify. (down boys). will have to get bird book out later.

bye for now. lots to get done before the rugby. Get my jersey ready to wear. see you all later. xx
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Good thinking minty. There is! :o}

Pix I was given the choice of colours, style, fittings etc. They are ripping everything out and putting in new electrics, pipework, floor and putting things where I want them. For instance, the tumble dryer is the opposite end to the washing machine, they will be put side by side, I will have more cupboard space in more sensible positions. I have a work top that I put in at a height to suit me, the standard ones are too low for me to use for any length of time. They are replacing that at my height. I'm hoping to have the cupboards and some work tops for use in the shed.
mum up ..see you later !
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Have a happy day LJ xxxxx

I had a chaffinch in the garden yesterday. Tiggy is up and about and filling himself with his favourite pancetta pix.
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Have a happy day minty. xxxxx
Excellent boaty. The whole lot, then! Bye minty xx lady j xx
Oh, I didn't realise he was awake. Isn't that early?
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Yes, it is pix. but the weather is so mild he's a bit confused. He's coming out to eat then going back to bed. Although yesterday while I was mending the hedge trimmer he came and inspected the work to see it was good enough. Nearly got his nose trimmed! :o}
Lol...well, fair enough. Eating, sleeping and confusion sounds like most of us...
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That's why we get on so well pix! :o} He's a funny little fella. It was quite warm out there yesterday, I din't need a jacket.

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