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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 06:41 Sat 20th Feb 2016 | ChatterBank
54 Answers
Saturday. Dry at the moment, a bit of breeze, but it's said it will rain later. I'm in the visitor centre on the canal today. Typical!

Have a happy day everyone.


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morning alin xx
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Morning ali xxx A dinner party! Always fun, but a lot of work. What the menu
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hello all. weather is damp and windy out there so not sure what to do today. hope you are all well.
morning lady xx
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Morning LJ xxx Spoilt for choices? :o}
Morning mm Lady j .... dinner party is going to be a Chinese!
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Very nice ali. Chopsticks? :o}
a takeaway takein Alin ?
morning boaty, morning minty, morning alin.

a dinner party - good company and good food = a very good time.
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Can't argue with that LJ!
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Time to make a move.

Have a happy day everyone. :o}
time for me to go. have a good day all. xx
bye boaty xx lady xx

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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