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If The Electorate Decide We're Better In Than Out How Would Their Decision Affect Boris's Chances Of...

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sandyRoe | 21:53 Sun 21st Feb 2016 | News
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I doubt it will be a career ended.

Boris, as usual, has played a blinder.

1) He still states he wanted a reformed EU, just that Dave failed miserably (as expected)
2) By backing the no campaign he is actually representing the majority (some estimated 70%) of grass root Tories who want out.
3) Unlike some of the slimy cabinet minister who dont have the Balls to go against Dave and are in so they can keep their jobs Boris can hold his head up and state he has the courage of his convictions.

In or Out Boris will be a winner.

another interesting point is that if 70% of the grassroots want out but the cabinet want a in then it would rather look like the Government is not representing those that voted them in. I suspect after this there will be a big clearout and the party returend to its electorate, bit like labour had to do
He is hanging on to a thumping great majority in Ruislip, so he will still have his MP's salary to fall back on.

Actually, I don't agree with his Dad. If Boris does lose this June, it will just put back his chances a bit, not destroy them all together.
Boris does what is in Boris's own interests and nothing more. I have always thought of him as a lightweight buffoon but as he is so popular, I welcome his 'road Damascus moment'. Anyone who can help the cause. Just wished the 'Out' campaigners can unite together and push on.

Interestingly, I'm reading Charles Moore second biography of Maegaret Thatcher. I am a on the chapter about EU Intergration (and this is before German reunification). She was strongly against it but seemed to have sleepwalked into some of it, not helped by appointing Leon Brittain as EU Commissioner. He was one of the biggest pro EU members of her parliament. One thing I noticed is that people had the same concerns about integration as they do now.
"I understand that his Dad said this weekend, that if Boris looses this Referendum, its a career ender. " - I doubt it but even if it does he'll get a job in the EU gravy train like Kinnochio did.
TTT...would that be the same gravy train that the ex-Tory Minister, Leon Brittan rode on ?
That's the one mikey, where failed politicians go to get by on a meagre salary and benefits.
lol TTT !
For what it's worth, Talbot's link reckons on human gas output to be a mere 3 pints a day (and only 1 in 3 of us have gut bacteria which produce methane).

Cows, meanwhile release hundreds of litres per day, most of it by burping. For unknown reasons, dairy cows produce more than beef cattle.

Dairy industry made a popular choice by… EU subsidy rackets, of course (until supermarket pricing drove some of them out of business).
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Could all the hot air that will be spouted over the next few months contribute to global warming?

Technically, no. Whatever they breathe out was, not long ago part of the food they ate and, before that, part of the vegetation the meat ate and before that, part of the atmosphere the plant took up. Good old carbon cycle.

The fossil carbon, burnt getting them from one meeting or speech to another, does count, as ever. Even denialists like(d) to tease notorious jet-setter, Al Gore, about this, albeit only a sarcastic concession to AGW.

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