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Should Companies Be Trying To Influence Voters By Email?

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ToraToraTora | 10:17 Thu 03rd Mar 2016 | News
28 Answers
I see BMW had jumped on the "trade barrier" BS.


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The certainty of staying in is that more and more red tape (and most likely taxation) will be imposed. In addition it is most likely trading outside of the EU SS,, without express permission from a faceless Bruxelles eurocrat and approved by Germany, will be made near impossible.
I suspect BMW are more scared that there may be import taxes put on their cars if the EU decide to take revenge with a trade war or we trade more freely with the rest of the world meaning makers outside of the EU get a better deal and start selling more motors.

No matter how you dress it up, severing 40 years'worth of ties is going to create one helluva lot more uncertainty than staying in the EU.
Any business will be looking out for what is in Their best interests that may or may not be in your best interests I take no notice whatever and many small businesses think the opposite but they never get heared
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well they have helped me, I'm not going to buy another Beamer!
Well I agree untangling 40 years of trading wont be without its hiccups.

However I disagree with your second statement. There s huge uncertainty in staying in too - mainly for the reasons I have already mentioned.
Personally I think Companies backing one side or the other are foolish.

I already have my list of companies I will no longer deal with.
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god I hope Sunseeker don't start backing the in crowd!

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