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What Is For Dinner?

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Islay | 18:17 Fri 11th Mar 2016 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
I am having turkey bacon and dried fried eggs on toast mmmmm


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Home made carrot & coriander soup followed by coconut ice cream
That's a very interesting bit of information , mikey.

Not sure why I needed to know it, but here goes ... peas, green beans, chips, and knusper rosti ecken in my freezer.
+ a gyros pfanne
Talbot...if you ask me nicely, I will willingly pass my on my recipe for Coconut Rice !
PLaice, chips and peas
Pizza from Herr Aldi's special selection - washed down with his rather nice Pinot Gris - I'm entitled to be lazy - been washing/cleaning/tidying all day.

Just sat down with my luxurious repast to watch the cricket & discovered it had all been rained off :=[]

They do a ruddy marvelous Pinotage in Lidl, and its 14.5 % and only about £4:00 !
Post it, mikey ... as it happens I have made a curry ready for tomorrow evening (with a few exports)
Talbot....this is by way of a Madhur Jaffrey recipe that I have adapted.

Chop a small onion into very small pieces, and fry gently in butter, until golden. You could use a small red onion if you like. Lay to one side.

Gently boil some basmati rice, until not quite tender, and lay aside.

Using a dry frying pan, gently toast some desiccated coconut, until straw-coloured. Keep an eye on the pan, as the coconut will burn easily if left to its own shouldn't be very brown, just slightly.

Combine all the ingredients together in a large pan, and gently fry with a little bit of butter, and serve immediately.
Here is what I had for dinner yesterday.

Tomatoes, onion rings, Amy's Kitchen vegetarian lasagne, a Sheldon's Lancashire Oven Bottom Muffin with some butter on it and lemon squash.
Yesterday I made kedgeree, this evening was home-made beefburgers.
Love Kedgeree.Sent Mrs retro off early from pub,whilst watching last 5 mins of Twickers, to Sainsburys next door to get some wine for this eve. She hit the reduced shelf and came out with two individual and one family steak/kidney pie as well as monkfish etc.
Just had that with roasted baby new potatoes and a tin of mushy peas. All very simple but tasty and lazy prep as well.Wine is..............I don't care................very quaffable..... hic. It is white :-)
We're off on a long trip in 10 days so I'm trying to close down the garage freezer, eating tends to be a bit of pot luck along the lines of God how long's that been in there and will it kill us. So far so good, slow cooked pork shoulder with a lot of vegetables and some left over ratatouille thrown in and one of those little stir-fry pots, they're very tasty in all sorts of things. Half a baked potato, mange tout and green beans. A slab of dodgy looking ice cream and some very nice strawberries.

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