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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:09 Fri 18th Mar 2016 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
Friday. Frosty again this morning, same as yesterday, but if it turns out like yesterday I'll be a happy bunny.

have a happy day everyone.


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Indeed it is DT.
see mikey is around (on Trump) - wondering whether he is heading this way for Easter....
Question Author
He's on time off DT. He might drop in though!
odd - just had answerbank down....
ok, time to be moving, me thinks, the blessed retail temple of Sparks beckoning me in. Have a good day all
Question Author
Have a good'un DT. :o}
Morning all. I've been up for ages, honest. The server was busy. :-)
Morning wbm xxx and all bit overcast like yesterday but turned out nice .
Is it my imagination or are the site members rather inactive this morning. Wasn't an off-site late night AB do I missed last night was there ?
Morning all !

Another orange sun this morning ! I hope this weather continues until Easter, as I am down in my Cornish caravan again for a few days

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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