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ummmm | 22:31 Sat 19th Mar 2016 | Film, Media & TV
18 Answers
Hilarious. I'm wiping tears from my eyes. son thinks it's staged. I don't think it is...


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From the Daily Wail:

'It is not true to say anyone can have their brain hacked,’ said qualified therapist Mark Powlett. ‘You absolutely can’t make people do things they don’t want to do.

‘People who are under hypnosis are put in a very relaxed state which makes them open to positive suggestion. But the last thing a show like this wants is people who are relaxed – as they wouldn’t be able to perform as required.’

Mr Powlett said contestants on the show, hosted by Phillip Schofield, were not under Barry’s ‘control’, but playing along willingly.

‘The people on stage want to entertain, they what to be in front of people and they want to win money,’ he said.
Not seen it but I doubt it's staged. I only say this because I recall when we had a hypnotist for a Mess function when I was in HM Forces. What he had some of the lads doing they would never had done in a million years if not under his influences.
Not having it!

If it's that easy you'd have people walking into a jewellers or bank and getting them to fill a bag
"stage hypnotism" gives people a chance to show of (or more prescisely permission to show off). Agree with Panky.
I personally don't think it's staged. If it is however, they must be the most accomplished actors.
I do not believe stage hypnotism is simply acting. I've been to one and seen a mother go up on stage and her kids were clearly amazed. Sure no one is going to be doing anything that goes against their moral beliefs, but most can be much less self conscious and prepared to join in making a fool of themselves if natural bashfulness is willingly suppressed.
Your son may like to try being a volunteer.
I beieve it is staged I had hypnosis recently and although I was relaxed it did not work for me for the reason I had gone there for
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I don't believe it's staged.

Watching their reactions when they seen what they did...brilliant.
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Philip Schofield (sp) spoke about it on This Morning. He said the contestants had to go through vigorous testing before they could be selected for the show.
I enjoy this show, it gives me a real belly laugh. The woman last week who thougt she was an alien was hilarious, I don't see how she could have acted that !
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Belly laughs from me too.
Not seen last night's, recorded it. Looking forward to a good laugh !
It's worrying if it is real as surely hypnotists could arrange for someone to act as a suicide bomber, a bank robber, commit voilent attacks on young girls, etc
Anyone else think it is totally inane and too stupid to laugh at?
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FF...I think hypnotists are regulated.

Look at what Derren Brown can do.

According to Philip Schofield they couldn't film them being hypnotised in case someone got hypnotised watching it.
Ooh if Phillip said that then it must be true! ;o)
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Yea...of course. I love him ;-)

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