If only we could ensure that there are no changes in the education system for two or three years *except* this ruling - just long enough for any dip (or elevation!) in grades/performance measures to show up, in the stats.
Of course, in real life, they always change multiple things at once, so all cause and effect relationships become impossible to prove *or* disprove.
If we put politicians in charge of a steam engine, they'd twiddle every control in sight, in a random order, wondering why they can't get where they want to be and just shunt back and forth, ineffectually, like most countries do.
Education should never be a political plaything. There is only one task or instruction to delegate the education chiefs and we should let them and the teachers get on with it, the best they can.
Upward-delegated requests, such as "can you (MPs) give us some legislative control over wayward parents, please?" are fine and that's what this debate is about, as far as I'm concerned.