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Sadiq Khan ...

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-Talbot- | 12:08 Sat 07th May 2016 | News
86 Answers
I have no interest in London but I would like Sadiq to never again speak in front of segregated audiences. That would make me respect him.

Anything any ABers you would like to add?


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//Having known him when I was a Muslim extremist, I know that he did not subscribe to my then-theocratic views.//

//In a funny twist, some Muslims are now comparing him to those he deemed “Uncle Toms” in the past//
That fact was not lost on me. I said the same on another thread about this opportunist hypocrite. Gradually the truth will out about the skeletons in this mans cupboards I am sure.
Especially his representation of Ali Dizaei....
" Khan argued in Parliament that the Muslim Brotherhood cleric Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi “is not the extremist that he is painted as being.”

This is Qaradawi who, among other things, authored a book called The Lawful and Prohibited in Islam, in which he justifies wife beating and discusses whether homosexuals should be killed.

Infamously, Qaradawi also issued a fatwa advocating suicide bombings against Israeli civilians, a view which has seen him join the likes of Omar Bakri Muhammad in being denied entry to the U.K.
As with anyone who stands for a position of this type, he surely knows his life and all it's skeletons both good and bad will be scrutinised and he must be prepared to field each question as it arises.

Part of the territory I imagine.
"Sadiq Khan would have won just the same if he were a Tory. You really can't make political hay on this topic".

Correct. Pakistani residents of London were always going to vote for a Pakistani. Regardless of which party he might be representing

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Sadiq Khan ...

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