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Can't Sleep

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queenofmean | 02:13 Tue 24th May 2016 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
Just been rudely awaken by having a Panic Attack - first in 7 weeks.

If you are still up come say hello


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bit of a late fella here

sorry to hear of the panic attack
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Better late than never though Peter.

Ta, I'm ok now thankfully, but I hope that one was a one off.
I know this reply is way, way too late to have been of any help, but glad you're feeling better now. Panic attacks are just horrendous. I'm glad ABers were around to offer words of comfort at the time.
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Thank you Cloverjo. Nothing is ever too late. But you are right they are horrendous and horrible things, I am glad that those that were about last night were able to keep me calm, I just hope that that was the last one for a while, totally out the blue.

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