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ToraToraTora | 20:39 Wed 22nd Jun 2016 | News
29 Answers
Really Claude TFFT! I wonder if these idiots realise how little we think of them!


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// That frog clown has proved what we've known for yonks. //

What, that we don't know that Luxembourg is not France?


It was an important TV appearance, the last before polling. Farage may have had a genuine reason for not appearing, but he should have communcated that better to the producers so the other guests could be informed. His brief 2 word explanation for his no show was bound to lead to speculation.
I assumed he was ***, or ill or tired. Campbell preferred to think he had 'chickened out', but he is a political animal, and that speculation suits him best.
Farage isn't one to duck arguments - and I see no reason why he should be expected to explain personal reasons for his non-appearance on this occasion to anyone. This is spiteful - but it's par for the course.
Spiteful, delusional, pathetic. (Campbell not Gromit)
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Zacs:"Do you think less of Junkers or less of Cameron Tora?"; Cameron, I expect treachery from the EU mandarins, not from a sitting PM.
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// Cameron refused because she had opposed him over foxhunting. Just goes to show what a shallow, spiteful little man he is.//

erm no Jackie as a graduate of an old university you will know that political honours are given to those who toe the line and vote like sheep for 30 y and NOT for those who give the leader hell
After seeing the way last night's debate was handled by Jeremy Paxman I would think Nigel Farage was glad he missed it.

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