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lulu_bucket | 10:49 Wed 31st May 2006 | Jobs & Education
2 Answers
I am soon to be a NQT (Primary School) in the Leamington Spa/Coventry area - applying for jobs around this area - any advice of what ever kind would be helpful - thanks.


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try the times ed supp and agencies and good luck

My advice is, above all else, join a union. The Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) provide an excellent application called "Apply Yourself" to guide you through applications from start to finish, they have an online job search facility, and offer free membership for your entire NQT year. They're still the only union to do so, as far as I'm aware.

If you can cope with extra paper, you might want to join the other unions too, but I thoroughly recommend ATL. The free NQT membership is worth around �120, and amongst many many benefits, will give you peace of mind should you be unlucky enough to have something go wrong.

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