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Remembering Nungate

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queenofmean | 22:47 Fri 22nd Jul 2016 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Sitting here laughing at this, she loved to play this when I was feeling down or had a bad day. Been doing a lot of thinking about her and I just wondered if anybody had any memories of her from here that they wanted to share.


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I may not have chatted much with your Mum, but I did note she had a keen and dry wit - something I really admire. Also very level headed, a lady I'm sure I would have got along with very well.

Keep smiling Queenie.x
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Thank you Mamya, she did indeed. Sometimes I feel, it was wasted on me, but the times I did get it it was a lot of fun. I am certain that you would have got on like a house on fire.

I will do, hoping she will be watching over me when I go off on my travels tomorrow xx
Did she not take over the Mad Over Fifties Club from Lady Alex on Saturday nights?
She most certainly did become the second incumbent after we drew up the portcullis and a very fine affair it continued to be.
Or dropped it down , oops - that wasn't my job gladly. :-)
I found her very pleasant. She worried about your toes :')
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She did and I'm hoping at some point to re-start it but I just need a bit of time to fine tune myself into her way of thinking - and I know I'm not mad or over 50 but she let me join in.
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She didn't half Anne lol
I didn't chat to her much either, but when I did I enjoyed her sense of humour.
Chin up, queen. She sure wouldn't want you to be sad.

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Thank you ladyalex :)
No she wouldn't want you to be sad, but it's nice to think about the good times you had together, you both had "" an interesting to me"" when you were a teenager Queenie, so how proud she must have been when you got your diabetes sorted :-)
I remember Nungate and the fun she created on her 50s nights. I had some giggles reading them. You were lucky to have such a caring and amusing mum and we were lucky to share her x
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She was but I think at times she wanted to know what made me end up that way but I don't know. Thank you Tambourine, she was an amazing woman and a fab mum. It was my pleasure to share her with you.

I'm off to bed but I will look in to see what you all have posted in the morning.

Night night xx
Your mum was probably fearful of leaving you to fend for yourself. She would be proud to see how youve managed. Sleep well & talk to your mum, you know she is with you.
Often took part in her roffle though I never won anything - miss the Mad Over 50s Club.
She kindly invited me on the mad ladies outing to Edinburgh. Alas I couldn't go. But I was very touched she asked me.
She's probably looking down on you now, beaming with pride x
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Thank you NoM - after today she would have been proud!
I'm sure we can arrange something though Cupid :)
I'll see if I can rig it Maggie ;)
Nungate introduced me to cross stitching for which I will ever be thankful
She was always berating me for trying to do things which were difficult for beginners, like stitching on a black background and attempting quarter, half, three quarter and squashed stitches. I persevered.
We had lots of interesting phone calls, usually late at night.
I miss her, Nungate Towers and her and her enthusiasm.
Nungate often talked about you and about how important you were to her.
Love, Daisy.
We had quite a few laughs about our disasters around the home.
Although we never met I regarded her as a close friend.

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