But Jim, the NHS was a vehicle to impose an opinion on this occasion, as it is what AOG’s question was about.
Maybe ‘sexuality and gender alignment’ are not choices. Never having felt that way inclined, I couldn’t say for sure. But I think it’s equally possible that it could be a choice, and that those who want it (for whatever reason) use “no choice” as an excuse, because it’s better than “I want.”
And of course, children need support, but if a 6 year old says they want to be the opposite sex, then for me, it’s better ignored rather than supported, in the hope that they grow out of it.
And whilst I do respect a persons right to be what they choose, I firmly believe that certain things should be kept private, and if they incur costs, then those costs should not come out of public funding.
My right to disapprove should also be respected.
You don’t have to bother to look for the thread I mentioned, unless you can show me that I was wrong earlier when I said “I doubt that it is a coincidence that when a topic such as this is posted, that it is AB’s gay and trans(insert relevant suffix here) posters who agree with these issues and appear to think they should be encouraged, even when children are involved.”
In which case I will apologise.
I too am off out, so have a nice day, and I expect we will both check back later.