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What Would You Say If Someone Said This To You Later...

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Dreamsandlove | 16:24 Mon 08th Aug 2016 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
So the lady I work for who pays me £500 a month for pretty much working 7days a week 13 hours a day. (Know I can leave but sticking this out for my 2nd year visa extension)... anyways...

So I made the farmer a tea one morning in his flask for work. It was cold. I thought I boiled the kettle but i didnt and he took it to work cold. Now no excuse i know i messed up but when I'm working 7 days a week full on for 6 weeks straight it's maybe been tiredness and was a general accident. So she comes out with...

It's a really good thing you have a degree...I really think that really helps you in life.

Implying that I am stupid and I'd struggle to get a job if I didn't have a degree on paper. I said nothing. I know their opinions pretty low of me tbh but I bit my tongue tonight.


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On a farm.

Not sure what that means. But I need this for my 2nd year visa.
It was apparently a requirement when she was there. I can't remember how she wrangled out of it.

She was even offered a 4 year extension when he two year were up.

It might have had something to do with moving round with her boyfriends job.
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Ummmm...maybe yea. Maybe she was defecto. out at £1.50 an hour

I'll give £1.97 an hour ... can you mix concrete or lay bricks
I don't know what you mean, Dreams?
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Talbot - hahahha this sounds like a plan..I'm. Up for that. Make it £2 & I'm there
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Ummmm - defacto is when you go through a residents visa. Allows you to stay with them in oz

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