ChatterBank1 min ago
Glaslyn Ospreys
15 Answers
I've been keeping an eye on these lovely chicks. They have grown so much! When will they leave the nest?
http:// www.gla slynwil dlife.c ve/
I was just looking on the webcam myself Jubie ! They look awful big to me, almost indistinguis hable from their parents... can' t be long now. Same with the other two cams ::::: http://www.d yfiospreypro e-streaming http://scott ishwildlifet things-to-do /wildlife-we bcams/loch-o f-lowes/
07:09 Thu 07th Jul 2016
I was just looking on the webcam myself Jubie !
They look awful big to me, almost indistinguishable from their parents...can't be long now.
Same with the other two cams :::::
http:// www.dyf iosprey project .com/li ve-stre aming
http:// scottis hwildli fetrust /things -to-do/ wildlif e-webca ms/loch -of-low es/
They look awful big to me, almost indistinguishable from their parents...can't be long now.
Same with the other two cams :::::