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Who Was Riley,

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sandyRoe | 11:33 Thu 11th Aug 2016 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
he of the enviable life?


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Bob's your uncle, sandy
Who was Charles aunt?
I meant Charlies....^^^
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Charley's aunt? She was a nut from Brazil.
^ is that the AB filter Cupid... lol
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Or the other one, HRH, Princess Margaret?
got that song in my head now.... grrrr
@fiction-factory...Just a follow-up to your posting.

Two Surgeons talking about whether they had had, recently, any interesting operations.

1) Nothing really just the usual 'Bob's your Uncle' type of thing.

2) Oh, I had one, a few nicks here and there for a 'Bob's your Auntie.


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Who Was Riley,

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