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Can Anyone Beat 43º In Their Garden Today? Phew, Awful.

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ladybirder | 14:41 Wed 24th Aug 2016 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
That was at 1pm but indoors only 24º.


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And I thought it was hot here. Only 32 .
cool down here - probably low twenties and overcast....
actually 17 degrees....
Just had a luck ladybirder and it's 47° with the thermometer in a shady corner,expect it will get hotter as the sun moves round.We're in North Notts.

Sorry that should be 27° otherwise we'd be boiling away
Haven't got a thermometer but it's absolutely boiling here in London - dread to think how hot it is!
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I should have mentioned I'm in Hove. And it was in full sun. According to the BBC forecast for this area it says 25º as the maximum so they got that well wrong. Again.
They should have done the weather forecast from your garden...
We had 33 in the car this morning, dropped to 28, that's in Norfolk.
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31C in the shade, Essex flatlands.
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Smow London and the SE are supposed to be the hottest today so I expect yours isn't too far off my 43º. I bought my little weather station half price from John Lewis and it gives the the humidity as well. Great fun for only £10.

Aircon in my car zebo, I couldn't do without it. Expected higher from you DTC! 27º is good for Notts thought I would think paddy?

Cupid you're the nearest then, so far.
My garden thermometer says 38C but it's in the full sun.Real feel of 30C here on the coast in Norfolk.It's cooler at the front though,there's a slight breeze from the sea as we face due east.
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Wow, in the shade, that's me beaten then Pongo and Alice. Only 25º in the shade now here.
It's quite pleasant lady,but we've always had our own little weather system here with the Pennines blocking a lot of stuff from the West and all the power stations in the Trent valley keeping the average temperature up quite nicely.Sadly now most of the power stations have gone things are gradually going back to the old norms.
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I suppose they were contributing to global warming though paddy weren't they?
I suppose so lady,but the thing that annoys me is that "clean burn" technology has been around for years and we had millions of tons of coal ready for the taking now we're spending all our money on Windmills which are nowhere near as efficient as they were claimed to be, Fracking and Nuclear both of which have the potential to cause more trouble then coal ever did.
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I know paddy, needs a whole new thread for that discussion. Difficult. You'd have been hotter than here though if you still had them. Wow.

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Can Anyone Beat 43º In Their Garden Today? Phew, Awful.

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