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marval | 16:23 Fri 02nd Sep 2016 | Jokes
15 Answers
Whenever I’m in Italy I become a rickety old table.

I guess I’m just a hopeless Rome antique


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What a state Turin.
18:06 Fri 02nd Sep 2016
Do legs go all wobbly?..
What a state Turin.
Very good, Fred
Ol' Fred's a clever one isn't he? Can't compete!...
I find puns Assisi as pie, Patsy!
Genoa what ... so do I
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Just trying to get a pisa the action Fred?
Good one, marval. Laughed so much I'll make a Messina moment.
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HaHa Fred, I am just going to have a slice of Genoa Cake
Are you all dressed up in your finery? Nothing like a bit of pomp, ay?
Ol don't be s sicily
Don't give me the Elba, chipchopper!
Can't see what all the COMOtion is all about
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Someone is just feeling CAPRIcious.
Ven is the end of these insults to Italy? I am making a Noto against your name and you, Sir, accuse I of defamation.

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