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mikey4444 | 20:57 Mon 05th Sep 2016 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
I can't help feeling that they turn the heating up in the studio....some poor lad had to keep his woolly hat on all the time !


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Oscar Powell ? Fair haired lad with glasses? Very bright. He was from Peterhouse in the last series .
22:02 Mon 05th Sep 2016
They won the last series .I think the girl with the amazing eyebrows was their captain but I can't recall her name .
Oscar was great.
Very expressive - give that Oscar an Oscar!
Yes that's her Calibax.Pretty girl.I could picture her but couldn't remember her name.
blimey where are they now ?

1962 - Somerville got the final and the applications for admission jumped 50%. The captain smoked on set ( sweet li'll thang ) - we were told 1973 not to start with a fag in our mouths but if we lit up half way thro it was OK....

Oh those were the days ! No science questions - Bamber said no one can answer them and we said that's because no one asks them so you dont have a scientist on the team
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PP....smoking on the Telly was quite common in those days. I can recall watching Parkinson in the late 70's and it was still common then.

I am also of the opinion that some of the questions nowadays wouldn't have been seen in the programs heyday.....pop music for one.
I could never understand Bamber! He always seemed slurring in his delivery and when he spoke faster there was no chance! Liked him tho'.
yeah de muzak questions we got were

extract from Orfeo ed Euridice ( Gluck)

even the music buff said 'christ!' - later vice master of the college P D Holland - so that's what became of him !
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I like Paxman even better....nobody can sneer or show incredulity at a daft like answer Paxo !

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