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Microwave Recommendation Please

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smurfchops | 10:13 Mon 14th Nov 2016 | Home & Garden
6 Answers
Can someone please recommend a no frills microwave, by no frills I mean easy to use, not a cheapie . Something reliable which will last a few years! Thanks all.


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I just got one from Argos. Happens to be their cheapest. Very straightforward and I am happy with it.
You haven't mentioned the size you require or your maximum spend....but (according to Which?) just about every Panasonic and Samsung micro is a "Best Buy"...Daewoo is another recommended make.
(My Samsung is donkeys' years old and still going strong...never had a problem).
Got mine from Morrisons
Go and have a look in a Tesco Extra. They have a good selection. I bought one for my caravan last year.
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I would recommend a Panasonic, although I cant say which model because the one I bought is no longer made and is still working after twenty odd years.

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