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Spacestation Visible For Uk Tonight

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wendilla | 16:50 Sun 04th Dec 2016 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
One sighting only at
5 17 pm for 3 minutes S departing ESE .


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Thanks, Wendi...pretty clear just now and as a bonus it's nice enough to sit on the patio with a glass to watch this evening...x
Thanks again Wendi. Fabulous view last night with the shooting stars and all.

Have you got a patio heater, Gness?
I don't, Tilly.....I do have a fire pit and bags of turf.....but it's nice enough to sit for a little while this's calm and not cold....x
I forgot about your firepit, Gness.

Freezing here?
Super view.....and a lovely moon too.......Gx
Three minutes was a long time out there, tonight. Brrrr!

Thank you, Wendi.

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Spacestation Visible For Uk Tonight

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