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I was watching a news feed today on my local tv news, and apparently theres a new phobia of answering telephones by young teenagers.    Yes apparently youngsters of today actually have a fear of... ...
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Good evening, all!   Another rubbish week for me, with just TWO out of seven in the grown-ups' quiz:   and TWO out of five in the kids' one:...
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...with a portrait of Trump on the underside of the lid?  
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Well, the weather forecast was accurate lol. Lastnight it said that it would start to rain at about 3 am and would  continue right thru to this morning. And sure enough it did, and still is, so at... ...
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Canary42 I am not surprised, it took me three days of struggling to just get into the system - all because I have neither a passport nor a driving licence.... ...
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Have been waiting for a parcel to arrive.  Package came today and when I opened it, there was a plastic envelope with 20 paper clips.  Took a minute but realised it was the same seller I had used... ...
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. . . at what I've bought you for your birthday, darling!" ...
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I'm trying to answer Wordle on my phone but when I try to input in the answer box all the letters (your answer) have moved in a line down the far right hand side and will not let  me paste my... ...
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...gardening tools at a give away price. I'm a from believer in the saying: If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. A scam, though they're not asking for much money?
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Sorry I'm late - have been trying to deal with a disgruntled customer who has taken being peed off to a whole new level lol!! They are now into name-calling - very childish !! Anyway it's sunny... ...
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The second is 'add account', the third is 'You Tube kids' and the first is my account. A photograph of a friend and myself are on this page.  How could it be there apart from her uploading... ...
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Didn't get a chance to respond to everyone individualy on my A&E thread But just wanted to thank and acknowledge you all. Got... ...
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From a BBC article today The policing body added that it can cost around £1,000 a month to keep an XL bully in a kennel.   A monthly State pension £884.80
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Back to the dentist this morning for an impression of my gums. He said I could pay for the treatment in dribs and drabs or all at once. I decided to bite the bullet(or rather gum the bullet) and get... ...
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I opened one of my Christmas gifts this morning and saw it was a jumper with a shirt front and collar sewn onto it. There's nothing new under the sun.
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Another week racing away at full speed - it'll be Friday before we know it! Or as someone said to me yesterday - they're still finding Christmas Tree pine needles in their carpet and yet it's... ...
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Would the Chinese one, (Deepseek?) be a good place to initiate colloquy?
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This morning we took the hardest decision ever and let Jess go. The tumour that was removed had grown back in 7 days bigger than before  we felt that it was unfair to put her through more operations... ...
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Was working online till 4am, finally crashed out for 2 hours until one of my feline friends decided it was breakfast time!!  I did ignore her for as long as I could, honestly. Nothing particularly... ...

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