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The Big Freeze Is On The Way

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sunny-dave | 11:04 Mon 09th Jan 2017 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
Public Service information from ASDA :

"We wish to advise our customers that freezing weather is expected later this week. Please ensure you wear two pairs of pyjama bottoms whilst shopping, to avoid hypothermia"

Waitrose has issued a similar warning, suggesting that Yummy Mummies ensure that little Hugo and Evangeline wear their extra thick puffa jackets ...


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Loads of people round here pop to the shop in their PJ's. I do too but only if I'm wearing ones that don't look like PJ's. I wouldn't venture any further though.
Jack - they still are called tinkers.
One of my housemates used to drop his kids of at school in his pyjamas and slippers, I found it hilarious. He often did it holding onto a half eaten piece of toast.
At least it wasn't a can of lager instead of toast, AP.

Some time ago a school head was asking parents not to drop their kids at school while wearing PJs and swigging lager.
Of course mamya, I wouldn't want to look silly now would I;-)
I wonder what they would wear to the shops here, 40+c for the next week.
Swigging lager? Seriously?
Yes, ummmm. I've been looking for a link but can't find it now.

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The Big Freeze Is On The Way

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