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Buddy Guy

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christophermahon | 15:19 Tue 03rd Jan 2017 | Music
7 Answers
A few weeks ago I heard on Plant Rock a track by Buddy Guy called Red House can anyone tell which album it is from ,It is incredible it is of course a cover of the Jimi Hendrix classic ,Thank you Mr Mo


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God, I just had a major panic!!!

I am hoping to interview Mr Guy for a guitar magazine when he plays at the Montreal Jazz Festival in June, and when I saw his name, I thought he had died, like so many others recently!!!
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Andy Hughes when you interview Mr Guy maybe you could ask him the question if he cannot remember you could always do me a real favour as we are best friends, ask him to play it live for you to tape ,job done your happy and I will be happy ,I am just listening to Buddy "Staying Around a Little Longer " let's hope he stays around a lot longer ,thank you Mr Mo x
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Thank you all for the replies very grateful for the help

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Buddy Guy

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