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Removing Lacquer From Brasd

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shihtzublue | 17:09 Tue 17th Jan 2017 | Home & Garden
4 Answers
Does anyone know how to remove lacquer from feont door fittings without removing them please


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I would imagine that lacquer would respond well to Nitromors paint stripper.

Rub it on with very fine steel wool, then wash it well.
If you are using nitromors, keep it off the door!
Nail varnish remover will remove the lacquer from your brass.
I think that using chemicals like Acetone on the fittings may be a difficult task, if you do not want to remove them first.
In that case, I would feel inclined to use a Dremil multi tool with the appropriate bit for the job, having first tried it on a test area.

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Removing Lacquer From Brasd

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