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Shop Assistant

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donny48 | 11:54 Sat 21st Jan 2017 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
I was shopping in Iceland got to the till with an older man in front of me. He started to pack his stuff but the assistant noticed that he had put a swiss roll
in first and was going to follow it up with potatoes, she very nicely stopped checking stuff through and after saying "Can I help" she packed everything for him. I thought this a delightfully refreshing change and spoke to the manager about how good the girl was.


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how nice..good girl .. this has lifted my heart on a bad day xx
That makes a refreshing change
At my local Tesco the till girls usually ask if I wish them to pack my shopping.
Same here danny.
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The guy said he was going to pack his own but was doing it dreadfully till the assistant very tactfully suggested she would do it. It was the very kind and considerate way that she did it that warranted praise.
Morrisons they always ask if I need help, it never sounds like a genuine offer, more like they have been programmed to ask ... but at least they ask.

Asda they never ask if I need help but want to know where I'm holidaying or if I will be going out later or tell me about how ... blah, blah, blah.

Aldi entirely different ... my shopping often ends up being shoved against the previous customers shopping because they are deemed to have been too slow to get away from the checkout.
I always have to tell then to stop and at least let me get in my starting position to put my shopping away.

Iceland ... only mums go to Iceland.
good for her.
It is good to compliment management when you are impressed with good service. Most people don't bother and it's a shame because they might have a scheme, employee of the month etc. and it could help their career.
Wasn't my OH was it, it took me years to convince him to pack heavier stuff first. In the same way in the days where you loaded into a cardboard box he couldn't see what was wrong with putting the empty box into the bin, unflattened. Apparently, I was nagging.
I always find Iceland staff very friendly and helpful, I think they rank quite high in the ratings of best place to work.

It was nice of you to let the manager know, even if they don't have any sort of rewards scheme I'm sure the girl would be pleased to know her efforts had been noticed and appreciated.

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