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Hand "cramp" At Work

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pastafreak | 21:13 Tue 24th Jan 2017 | Body & Soul
11 Answers
I work 3 days a week,and I usually have to dish up meals for about 25 clients. I pick up the plates with my left hand,holding up as I dish out the main + veg. Sometimes my hand will start to cramp after 9-10 plates. It's not painful,but my fingers curl inwards and it takes a few minutes to relax my hand. I had a brief word with the Dr at work,and he thought it might be RSI. If so, is there anything I can do to prevent it,or lessen the effects? I also seem to have stiffness/arthritis in area below my thumb.


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Sounds like RSI to me as well, classic symptoms.
my toes do that. That's not RSI, it's just cramp. I'm not saying the same is true for you but you could try medicating for cramp - magnesium tablets and bananas maybe? - and see if it makes a difference.
The logical solution would seem to be to place the plate on the counter while you dish up.
Difficult one.....I agree it does sound like RSI, but how to treat it.....I have little to offer.
Magnesium and bananas are just that...."bananas." and i have little faith either scientifically or emotionally.
I think that I agree with the post of the Chair.
magnesium and bananas have reduced my cramps to near-zero, Sqad (from about once a month). I don't think it's coincidence. That includes curled-up-toe cramping as well as the middle-of-the-night calf cramps that have me inadvertently kicking my OH out of bed.
jno...well you can't say better than that.
OH is quite pleased too.
I'd mention this to your boss quick before it becomes a real problem; health and safety and all that should ensure that you don't damage yourself at work. Putting the plate down sounds good, and they should look into making that workable.
Hey pasta x
I have the same at the moment. Just had a blood test to see if my thyroid has gone underactive to rule that one out ( I have a thyroid disorder) .. pins and needles/ cramping can be connected. His gut feeling though is that it's rsi like you, connected to my job. He gave me wrist exercises to do, flexing it back/ forward as comfortably as it will go for 10 seconds when you have time to do It.. It does help x
I wonder if a wrist brace would help you pasta? Google images of wrist brace x

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