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Fab Sqad

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NoMercy | 12:47 Fri 27th Jan 2017 | Body & Soul
75 Answers
Hi Sqad.

I had positive pregnancy test Monday just gone - much surprise as we weren't even trying. Today I had a tiny PV bleed after experiencing uncomfortable twinges in various places. Pregnancy test done by 12 year old nurse - negative. Informed by 13 year old Doctor that my original positive test was a false alarm.

I've just come home and done another digital test - "Pregnant 1-2"

So... 2 positives tests 4/5 days apart. No sign of period. PV bleed miniscule and now stopped.

Your thoughts?


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The test has failed. There's too much blood in my urine.
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Whoops I used the old one from the other day.

Just done test: "Pregnant 1-2"
Ah! thanks NoM....very helpful.
So we are dealing with ectopic or miscarriage and due to the amount of bleeding, then i would go for miscarriage.
My advice above remains the same.........your call.

p.s I wish people would use such emotive terms as "hemorrhaging" when bleeding is appropriate....the former conjures up, collapse ambulances with blue lights flashing......great for media presentations but quite misleading.
Should you have written 'not used' in your description of my comments there, Sqad .....?
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I had an episode of very loose stool earlier.

I feel generally uncomfortable down my left side and even in the hip. My ibs gurgling is piping up again. My pregnancy symptoms are more pronounced than they were with the ectopic.
If I could just refer you back to NoM post @ 07.33 .....and remembering the circus my own ectopic produced ....I was simply trying to get an idea of the ongoing ? loss.

seekeez...quite...I understand.
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Sqad, is there any point going to A&E if there's no one around to scan me at the weekend?'s not a scan that I was thinking about.......just professionals to monitor your general condition and vital other words, to monitor you.
You are in the "medical setup" so if you are happy to do that and there is someone with you, then stay at home.
As I said NoM....your decision.
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I'm at the hospital now. Fingers crossed.
Good luck......xx
Any news, NoM?
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Ya... see my more recent thread.

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