Crosswords5 mins ago
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3 Answers
For Chrome users.
If you wish to have a smaller or larger screen to look at go to the three lines top right of our browser, click, scroll down to "zoom", select the size you desire. This will only change for AB, all other sites and tabs will appear as per usual. If you close your browser upon re-opening AB will appear as the size you previously selected and other sites as per norm
Chrome only remembers this setting for the web site you select it for.
Not for all web sites or tabs.
If you wish to have a smaller or larger screen to look at go to the three lines top right of our browser, click, scroll down to "zoom", select the size you desire. This will only change for AB, all other sites and tabs will appear as per usual. If you close your browser upon re-opening AB will appear as the size you previously selected and other sites as per norm
Chrome only remembers this setting for the web site you select it for.
Not for all web sites or tabs.
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