We're now into the third week of frog shenanigans and blobs of spawn into double figures. I've counted 25+ frogs at one time but they're tricky little blighters to count. It seems too early although I'm sure I say that every year. Mind you I did have snowdrops in December and have mini daffodils just breaking bud now. I am on the south Dorset coast so naturally ahead of more northerly parts of the country but even so it does seem very early. How is everyone else's spring coming along?
Yea, I think you're some thinks seem to be making an early start this year.
I put a pond in the garden last year for our anphibious friends, so I'll be on spawn alert.
Just seen some daffs coming through, hope its not a false start!
Good for you Chip, it doesn't take them long to find a new pond. There was a nasty frog virus a few years ago that wiped a lot of them out sadly. we've had a couple of good years for spawn recently, and by the looks of it quite a population explosion.
Yesterday, has got to be the earliest I've ever seen a wasp flying about!
And to top that, a wood pigeon has discarded an egg shell in the garden!
Whats going on!?