Question Author
HI THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR RESPONSE TO MY QUESTION I APOLOGISE FOR THE LACK OF PUNCTUATION MARKS AND FOR THE WAY IT HAS COME ACROSS MY HANDS ARE TWISTED AND MY FINGERS HAVE LITTLE SENSATION IN THEM I SUFFER FROM DEGENERATE OSTEOPHOROSIS OSTEO ARTHRITIS &muscle&nerve damage this makes typing & writing very painfull and difficult what takkes most people ten mins to type it can take me a hour or more i make a lot of mistakes i try to rectify all of them but often miss some i have degenerate cervical spondylosiss having to l9ok down makes my neck sore to please do not take this explanation for the remarks some have made about by grammer i only wish to give you a explanation for it . am a intelligent woman with a masters degree and phd it is my inherited conditions and bad luck that they are degenerate these conditions usually appear when your over well over 60 and they worsen as you get older mine begain when i was 43 and at the top of my career ladder im a bio-nuc engineer i worked for the MOD at Faslane Nuclear Sub Base for over 20years reaching the position of Head of tec& Engineering had it not been for debilitating impact these conditions have i would not have early retirement 2years ago but this is my life and i live it my way im a survivor im independant lifes to short to give into its setbacks i have lost both my younger brothers in 21days this woman had nothing to do with my brother who died 3weeks ago other than being the wife of my brother she abandoned 2years ago he was in a care home while she lived in his house hes dead now i buried him on friday what she did with my brothers property his estate 3weeks ago selling his possesions household effects the money she got for them shes welcome to,its the personal family effects that were my mums,my sisters,my.sons and my brothers, that we hadnt got round unpacking stored in his flat of no value to her priceless to me,that she took and has said to people i know she got rid of them,instead of giving them to me to share among his descendants thats the crime