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TWR | 19:02 Sat 25th Feb 2017 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
Do you let things get you down? I'm referring to life's issue's.


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Hi TWR, has something happened that made you ask? There are times I want to shut the world out, the news, unbelievable cruelty & needless violence. Sometimes it feels the world is spiralling out of control.
Your Answer...I believe we can all experience states of highs & lows 'states of mind' where we feel particularly vulnerable & feel things much more negatively.
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Hi Eleena, nothing that I can't sort out, we all in one way or another have Issues may it be family, friends, finance, I try to help the best way I can but Issues at times can not be resolved.xx
Things get me down a lot since I lost my beloved Mum last September, sometimes I feel totally overwhelmed by it all and ache just for a look of her.
Ah o.k TWR, hope you find an answer.
Smutty, sorry to hear how you're feeling. It helps me personally to visit the cemetery and put some nice flowers down, the weather isn't at all good though at the moment, they'd get trashed. Doesn't stop you thinking about them though x
Smutty .. Jambutty!! ;0) I had to add you to my wording! Sorry.
^Lol, that cheered me up.
Hee hee!! ;0)
Not usually, as my Dad always says 'You die if you worry and you die if you don't', so there is little point in letting things you have no control over get you down, and if you can control them or influence them then do your best to fix them. That however doesn't deal with periods of exhaustion and depression which we all have and I dwell on horrible things sometimes as well even when my own life is going well. I think it's all really normal x
Eleena, Samjenko, so glad 'smutty - jambutty' cheered you up !!! I feel SO MUCH better now (NOT).
Predictive test can cause all sorts of problems, am sure no harm was intended.
I know, but look at their last two posts, that's what I'm referring to.
I understand especially given the tone of your earlier reply ((♥))

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