so how did the vote go zeus you big baby
it seems you give us all the elbow once a fortnight, and your not meant to be back til after the world cup so this doesnt count then does it you big fat puff .
i know there is no way that you are sexyrussian she/he is far too tough and could probly beat you left handed with her eyes shut and her laces tied together ,hanging upside down in a fridge with her love eggs in.
so snap out of it soppy bollix have a group hug from the girlies and stay with us
besides all this stress isnt good for the baby. haha
lol... i can't even remember now! at the time i thought: 'Oh, shame... no need to be so horrid!' but then i wondered if perhaps it was just a bit of messing about :0)
at the end of the day we dont really know, anything about other ab s other than what we belive we could think someone is male and they could be female and vis versa and why would someone pretend to be someone else i think its all a bit heavy,maybe iam missing the point of it all,when ive been on ab a bit longer maybe i,ll understand more.
well i have spoken to zeus on the phone and i have him on msn and he is definately male!!...i know for a fact he isnt the russian and now he has left because of all this which i find really sad..:(