I was hit on the road by a car on Sat and remember not too much of it. just remember crossing the road and saying there i a taxi- next time I WAS SURROUNDED WITH AMBUYLANCE CREW - SO NOW HAVE 4 BROKEN SHOWLDER 3 OLD ONES AND NOW THIS ONE - ALSO MY BACK SEEMS VERY PAINFUL AND HAVE BLACK AND BLUE ANKLE. I HAVE TO MAKE AN APPOINTMRNT FOR FRACTURE CLINIC. SO THT'S ME - SORRY FOR CPS GUYS.
I also have been overwhelmed with kindness of so many people you know friends, neighbours etc wanting to help me with this and that but I get a bit embarrassed and try and fob them off.
Clavicle pain and back pain is excruciating but hope it gets better day by day. Thanks for being interested guys
Oh my. Please take painkillers, when friends family neighbours offer help take it, you would offer help wouldn't you ?is it drays you are having everyday or maybe physiotherapy .?
Your injuries are awful jj, surely a sling would help your shoulder injury. Ask the police to collect any cctv images, to your advantage. I hope someone is helping you, take care