minty you ask about thinking outside the box, yet you miss what i'm getting at, i am not saying that the choice to use drugs initially is a good thing far from it, but you have to appreciate some messed up kid that has run away from home fleeing from abuse or appalling circumstances may not be mature enough or have such low self esteem that they make that initial mistake and take the offer of drugs from someone who is being nice to them (initially until they become hooked).. you harp on about kiddy fiddlers being worthy of the death penalty, yet their victims are not worth your compassion if they took drugs because of the mental effects of having that done to them means they have a distorted view of life and their self worth? you saying all involved in abuse are worthy of the death penalty?
i agree not every, maybe not the majority of junkies will have started out this way, but most i have met have had self esteem or social or environmental issues, immaturity, physiological or even intellectual issues...that lead them on the road, not that many middle and even less upper class kids end up on smack...
so you want out the box, well thats what i'm offering, help those that are junkies, if they won't take help, lock them up to keep society and THEM safe (as in this case, the girl was murdered for being in that environment) but don't put them back on the streets with a fine leading to more crime to pay or at least if not to be paid then hanging over their heads as another reason not to get their life back on track..
yes you can come off drugs, yes you should come off drugs in fact i am advocating forcing people off drugs, but as things stand the help is limited