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A Beggar...

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Patsy33 | 22:15 Thu 16th Mar 2017 | Jokes
6 Answers
A beggar walked up to me and said, "I haven't eaten anything for days."

I just looked at him and said, "God, I wish I had your willpower".


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Don't know why you're making such a Big Issue of it !!!
23:07 Thu 16th Mar 2017
Don't know why you're making such a Big Issue of it !!!
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Oh very droll......
The cheek on some beggars belief.
A lot of the time eating is just a habit - when the cafeteria at work took a turn for the worse I stopped going to lunch and never missed it...I realised that I'd only been going because it was 12.30...
Nb. With coffee now 2.75 a throw I can't afford it myself, so beggars have no chance...
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Food for thought Rob.....
A beggar walked up to a bloke and said, "Spare a few bob for a cup of tea, guv".

The man replied, "Neither a borrower nor a lender be, Wm Shakespeare".

The beggar replies, "****, DH Lawrence!"

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A Beggar...

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