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Broadchurch Tonight...

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Smowball | 22:01 Mon 20th Mar 2017 | Film, Media & TV
29 Answers
Well it's still as clear as mud lol...... anybody any further forward as to what's going on??


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Tonight was Ep4.
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I thought it was a 6 parter. Still a lot of mystery
Maybe my RT is wrong.
enough for me either way Mamya, it's so drawn out, I found myself pulling on my eyelashes :) I'm in bed so remote control not close to me, somewhere under the bed I think :)
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I had a thought on this lastnight. Maybe it's Millers son and th taxi drivers son. One raped her and one filmed it?
I am with anneasquith and thought this episode really poor. The acting by the crime scene was terrible and that football scene with the whole cast was nonsense. I wasn't too impressed with the new character either who seemed like a caricature.
These last couple of episodes have been disappointing. Basic whodunit story line, poor acting and few high points. Feels like daytime TV. I am new to Broadchurch but unlikely to last much longer.
Yes, Im finding there are too many suspects too.I thought the bright lights were someones car headlights. I still think the vicar was involved one way or another.
Tom Miller will have evidence on his phone re the rape. Most likely his mum will find it and I dare say shocked to see who else is on it! (Just my opinion)

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