gness - It really is car-crash television.
It's so horrible, it's fascinating, and I think people are tuning in to see if it actually got worse from Week One - it absolutely did!
The problem is, they don't know what kind of show it is, so they are sticking in loads of 'bits', most of which don't work.
They have a 'chat bit' with a celeb, but it's so short that they can't get a conversation going, and in all cases, the hosts have not know how conversation actually works - the notion of 'I ask a question and then shut up while you answer it' has eluded all of them, none more than Mrs Shouty Davina McCall. She also didn't realise that you don't sound less out of your depth if you shout louder.
Didn't watch Dermot O'Dearie, so they may have dropped the 'film / pop' skit which was so dire it was pitiful, and the 'game' bit', amazingly unfunny.
So have a look - and yes, Gordon Ramsey has confirmed he is not taking his wife's advice and walking away, so expect another ill-suited person doing a job they don't understand and have no experience of - but with lots of shouting and swearing!