Quizzes & Puzzles2 mins ago
Elder Bushes
16 Answers
My garden is horribly overgrown with elder trees/bushes. I have cut a load of them down with a pair of heavy duty loppers (the roots are too established for me to be able to get them out with a fork).
Two questions. Is there anything I can paint or spray on the bit left in the ground to kill these things off? They are a blummin nuisance.
Two questions. Is there anything I can paint or spray on the bit left in the ground to kill these things off? They are a blummin nuisance.
Shove it under the washing machine to stop it moving around. :-)
07:20 Mon 10th Apr 2017
https:/ /www.go ogle.co .uk/sea rch?q=s ystemic +weed+k iller&a mp;oq=s ystemic +weed+k iller&a mp;aqs= chrome. .69i57. 6555j0j 7&s ourceid =chrome &ie =UTF-8
look here BM
wold not use the wood...very sappy stuff and will smoke if it burns..'orrible smell too !
look here BM
wold not use the wood...very sappy stuff and will smoke if it burns..'orrible smell too !
https:/ /www.am azon.co .uk/Rou ndup-Ki ller-Li quid-Co ncentra te-Weed killer/ dp/B001 DYQ286
try this..again wear gloves
try this..again wear gloves