I wouldn't worry about it then. As long as you can show that you were a constant in your child's life through out the last 2 years despite you two not living together you should be ok. Make sure though you have a letter from your GP/Health Visitor confirming that your previous living arrangements were a health risk to your child. The Court has to see that there was a good reason for you 2 not living together (letter from doctors) and that you have since found a suitable home. Ring your Health Visitor get her/him to visit your new home and just see if she/he approves it. If your HV was involved with you through out the last 2 years get her/his full statement also.
The Court is there to act in child's interest. And if you can demonstrate you have acted in his best interests in the last 2 years and are now capable of providing a safe, healthy and loving home to him then I can't see them separating a child from his mother unnecessary once again.
All the best and remember you'll be fine.