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Weight Loss Update

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Islay | 13:01 Tue 02nd May 2017 | Body & Soul
14 Answers
For those following my journey I have lost a further 9lbs in 3 weeks bringing my total to 6 stone 9lbs in total


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Well done!!!

Are you on track with your or the Medic's target?

When will you be able to introduce 'normal'food or is it just a matter of suck it and see.....possibly not the best choice of words ;-)
Well done! *hands clapping*
really well done Islay you have a set weight you are targeting?
Wow!! How long has it taken to lose that Islay?
Well done, Islay x
Question Author
Eccles about 2 stone ahead of where my surgeon expected me to be at this point in time. I am no pretty much eating normal food all be it in teeny tiny portions.
Pasta - Thank you
Bernie - I do but not that I would like to publish up here at the moment.
Smow - 15 weeks in total.
Ummm - Thank you
I cannot compare what I have been going through with your situation but, and it is a big but....don't let psychological issues overwhelm physical issues.

Push yourself a little bit each day. It is really very easy to be a bit too passive because of the consequences. It is a tough balance to square away psychological vs physiological.

Feel free to tell me to shut up!
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Shut up!! lol
I know swim twice a week, walk my dogs 3 times a week for 2km each time and I also lift weights!
Just call me wonder woman!!
Lifting a Fray Bentos meat isn't the same as lifting weight!

Keep up the good work, it has been a long and painful road for you. The end is in sight and so is a whole new wardrobe :-)
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Mmmmmm Fray Bentos
Islay, that really is excellent news. Well done you - particularly being so far ahead of target.

Have a treat from me:-
Excellent news. I'm chuffed for you x
Wonderful progress, thrilled for you.
Question Author
Oh Barmaid thank you soooo much drooooool

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