Not sure whether to put this here; in motoring or Body and soul. My friend has just had a op on her knee and she wondered if she had to let the DVLA know that she is not fit to drive -and also when she is finally fit Can anyone clarify this please?
I had joint replacement last year. I was told not to drive until I had been reviewed in clinic which was 8 weeks post op. Then I was fine. If it is only a temporary thing like mine, then there is no need to inform DVLA. She must only drive when her GP/specialist says she is fine to do so.
I've had total knee replacements of both knees...the literature and surgeon said no driving for 6 won't be covered by your insurance for that time.
Hi granny grump, after my recent op I contacted the DVLA and was advised as per Chris's link, also your friends insurance company will have some restrictions in place - mine was no driving for 4 weeks and then perform an emergency stop without any pain.