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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:00 Thu 18th May 2017 | ChatterBank
45 Answers
Thursday. The weather guru's were right. The sky is clear and it's going to be a nice day. About time too! Having said that, yer wee man has just told us there could be the odd shower. Such is life.

Tiggy is still rootling round the garden, I think he's glad to be able to. Some outside jobs today then! After a meeting at the hospice at 10.

Have a happy day everyone.


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A very good morning to all.
Sunshine after the rain, always looks promising icing!!
Good morning, Chip. Gardening today?
You got it Tilly!
I'm going for a strim :-)
Tills they are really not difficult to refurb yourself. They are not what you call high tech but spares can be a pain. There were a few different versions of the lamp and if it has missing name plates or such like they can be hard to come by. I would be looking to replace the wick and check out the wick winder, replace cracked glass and check that the oil reservoir isn't leaking. Washers and felts, flint, etc.. This place may be able to help with spares. Have a look at the spares list and compare them with what is on your lamp. I am guessing that it is a type 6 as they were quite common. But Deputies and Shotfirers were issued with quite distinctive quality lamps.

Thank you Togo. It is an Eccles, Type 6. That list is really helpful. I'll give it a go.

Off now, to hang out my washing.

Chip, be careful with that strimmer. Put your safety glasses on. :-)

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