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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:42 Sat 20th May 2017 | ChatterBank
79 Answers
Saturday. A wee nit of whispy cloud about. I was going to go for a stroll, but it's decidedly nippy out there this morning, a light frost on the car, so it can wit until it warms up a bit.

Tiggy had his supper and went back to bed. I hope it warms up a bit, I want to do some things outside.

Have a happy day everyone.



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just let a soggy moggy in ! not happy wee bunny !
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That will teach said soggy moggie not to go out in the rain. :o}
a cat's gotta do wot a cat's gotta do !!
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Yup. A litter tray might help though.
Haha Mints Border Collie/Blue Merle cross. Bonkers. You know what Boaty, the other morning I mistakenly called The Jamaica The Smugglers. Memory tricks.
litter trays are messy..she'll just have to run in an' oot !
Ahh just seen DT's post, perhaps I wasn't wrong first time. It was the Smugglers I remember from the 60s. All goes a bit blurred round the edges does the 60s.
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I know what you mean togo. It's easy to mix them up.
Togo.."if you can remember the 60' weren't there " !!
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I can remember the 60's and I definitely was there! albeit I spent a lot of that decade abroad.
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Time to make a move.

Have a happy day everyone xxxxx
Wasn't it Peter Cook that said that if you can remember the 60's, you probably wern't here !
He was right Mikey. I saw your post in the week ref check up. Hope all goes well for you Mikey.
bye Boaty xx
See you Boaty, you too.
Gooood morning all!.

Its snowing willow cotton, here.
G'day you lot.

Trust all are happy.
Hi Ozzy. Good here, summer is coming, and the longer daylight hours have returned. :))
Days are getting shorter, colder and wetter here Togo ;-(

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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