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Folkestone Lions Club - C/d 28 May

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wiggers99 | 16:04 Tue 23rd May 2017 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
I know the setter refers to "some of my stupider clues" and these must be some of them as they've got me baffled:
3. Fine New Jersey Playground 10 (somewhere between Bodmin and Malmesbury)
16. Song at Twilight - Ouch! 7 (between Pontcysyllte and Stockport)
Any clues / suggestions would be much appreciated. Many thanks.


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A thought:
Malmesbury is my answer to "Oldest UK Borough" which the BBC History website states quite definitely is Malmesbury. However the Barnstaple entry in Wikipedia states that it is "possibly" the oldest UK borough. On that basis the setter may have taken Barnstaple as being the correct answer and the to clue 3 may therefore lie between Bodmin and Barnstaple.
Seen Launceston suggested for number 3.
For 3 I had wondered about okehampton if the setter was referring to the hamptons in New York but put New Jersey by mistake - they are a playground of sorts for well to do New Yorkers

Ok ( fine) E Hampton
I have put Barnstaple as answer to 4 and found a place called parkengear for playground and jersey. Cant help on other one still looking as well as 73 878 and 89 90 going to give another try to night before putting full clues on tomorrow

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Folkestone Lions Club - C/d 28 May

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