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Spacestation Sighting This Evening For The Uk

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wendilla | 16:43 Sun 04th Jun 2017 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
10. 34 pm for 6 minutes. W. Departing SE


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Didn't see last nights, it clouded over just as it was due, then cleared up to a perfect night 1/2 an hour later .
Hope of better tonight but it is p**ing down now!
Thanks, on the bike for dinner....will take my hosts outside again...they're used to it now.....getting quite hooked!...x
I give up, 1/2 an hour ago perfect clear sky, now 100% cloud cover.
Not a hope again!
Good sighting here in the Northwest,Thanks Wendilla.
Venus is very bright tonight!
Ahhh, it's not Venus, it's Jupiter!

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Spacestation Sighting This Evening For The Uk

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