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sunny-dave | 21:37 Sat 03rd Jun 2017 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
All human life is there - it will probably get messy later, we've already had one hen party wobbling through ...

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Thank you Gness, I shall be interested in your report.
dave ... are you sure that feed came from this planet ...if so, I'm amazed at the good behaviour of all the people I saw, all the time I saw two policemen, just casually walking thru, and now the streets are empty, quiet ...Adelaide at this time on a Sunday morning is full of ambo's, blood stains on the street, gangs of lads beating up other gangs of lads, smashed cars and general carnage, everyone will be moving to Galway for a quiet life.

I guess what also surprised me ....very little smoking on the streets, very few mobile phones, young people well dressed and not acting like clowns or drunk, for that matter.

Kudos to Galway for doing whatever they're doing...should be more of it !!
It's very quiet this morning in Galway - everyone must be sleeping, 1 or 2 pottering about - that's about it- but then, it's Galway
Theyve all got hangovers as theres only 1 man on the street.
Oh, one, there was no one when I stopped looking, they're probably all at the festival in KK or up at Bloom, the real party area in Galway is around Eyre Sq or over in Salthill
Enjoy the craic till Galway awake
That's a nice post, Seek...thanks.....

Wish I could hear the busker....he's collecting lots of cash and attention....x

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